Saturday, August 12, 2006

Lookee what I got!

The box is still unopened - just got back from buying it. I'm excited! The demo was great - it's been a while since I've been this excited about a first person shooter.

I was really tempted to buy the special edition DVD because, well, it's on DVD, and because you get two figurines with it. But, I didn't want them badly enough to justify the extra $10. Although, it would have been nice having it on DVD. I hate swapping through ... [opens box to see how many CDs are there] ... three CDs to install a game. Hmm. Actually, that's not as bad as I thought it would be. F.E.A.R. came on five or six CDs! Still, the DVD would be nice.


Robert said...

UT2k4 was six CDs. The complete Battlefield 1942 was eight or nine. Heck, the latest Chessmaster was two, and even that's too many. DVD-only for me from now on!

Robert said...

Was UT2k4 six? Or only 4? I'm not sitting in the same room with the package.

Terry said...

Yea, something like that. I think it is six. I bought the DVD special edition when it first came out.